Leigh High School
Class of 1993
20th Reunion Celebration
September 21, 2013
Mark Your Calendar!
It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years!
Come reminisce and renew friendships with the Class of 1993 of Leigh High School.
Dinner, Dancing, & Lots of Reminiscing
Click on the yellow "RSVP & Purchase Tickets" button below
to interact with your classmates and/or make reservations.
Group rates are available at Los Gatos Lodge. For reservations call 408-354-3300 and mention group code CG93.
LHS 20 year Reunion Group Rates:
Standard Queen $89
Standard 2 Doubles $99
Standard King $99
Suite with King $149
Suite with Doubles $159
Please take a look around, register, share pictures and enjoy reconnecting with classmates. Tickets for the reunion may now be purchased! Please click the Events page to the left or the link at the top of this page. We look forward to seeing you all at the reunion, September 21, 2013!